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Soul Food
is a tool for learning who we are and who we can
become. An astrological map or horoscope
can reveal information about our natural tendencies,
as well as the opportunities we have for challenge
and reward as we grow. The guidance astrology
can provide -- as well as its beautiful symbols
and patterns -- has been satisfying soul food
for me. I hope it will be for you as well.
perusing the articles
and featured items on the site, and if you are
so inclined, contact me for a telephone
session. My goal is to provide quality
astrological insight that assists you in improving
your relationships with self and others, enhances
your life, and effectively gets you where you
want to go.
I hope
you’ll find this site enjoyable and edifying.
In all your travels, may you find nourishment
for your soul. Bon apetit!
Natori Moore
by Bluehost